
* *

General urine collection

* *


General urine collection request


Telephone number for report
Customer's name
Collection hope time zone
Morning  AfternoonIt is always good.
As for the cleaning ticket, is the
preparation made?

Yes   No.
Does it have the cellular phone?
Yes   No.
Portable telephone number

A regular collection is hoped

Selection of collection hope
Please select it while pushing theCtrlbutton when
you select the plural.
Is there a collection hope day?
It hopes.During 2‐3 day
Within one week
The number of sheets of the
cleaning ticket at hand

There is number of sheets.       
It doesn't understand.
Opinion impression

Please prepare it if there is no cleaning ticket. When a cleaning ticket
on hand is insufficient, all doing cannot absorb urine. Please confirm
the cleaning ticket in hand well.

(*)Please input.



* The person who uses the e-mail software that doesn't correspond to the mailto tag such as PostPet

[ Mail Sending ] button cannot be used. Without using this form

Please click the followingGeneral urine collection request

According to the above-mentioned content because the e-mail software used stands up

Please fill in, and transmit to our company.

* E-mail software that uses whether mail was correctly transmitted for confirmation

Please confirm the transmission history etc.

Copyright(C) Bunka Kojokai All rights reserved.

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